Everything You Should To Know About CBD Skincare

Whether its chocolates, cocktails, candles or clothing, CBD is everywhere and in everything you can possibly think of. And now the buzzy ingredient is taking over the world of beauty and skincare.

From serums and sunscreen to chapsticks, creams and cleansers, there is an array of hemp-infused products popping up in beauty supply stores everywhere. According to a recent Market Watch report, the global CBD cosmetics market is estimated to be valued at over $580 million, with North America leading the way. 

Iutta x Pinatex

Geantă shopper, realizată manual prin combinarea rafiei și Piñatex®, un material textil de origine vegetală făcut din fibre de frunze de ananas, cu mânere duble în partea superioară. Disponibilă în variantele bej cu negru mix sau rafia neagră și albă împletită.

While the research on CBD’s benefits is fairly limited, it’s generally considered safe to use topically. „There is likely no harm in continuing to use a CBD-infused product you like,” tells Dr. Adarsh Mudgil, a double board-certified dermatologist and founder of Mudgil Dermatology. „If you happen to have a reaction from a CBD topical product, it’s likely not from the CBD itself, but some other ingredient like a botanical,” explains the skincare specialist.

All cannabidiol-infused products are formulated using full-spectrum CBD oil, broad-spectrum CBD oil or CBD isolate.

„Full-spectrum CBD oil contains all the compounds found in hemp, including trace amounts of THC. Broad-spectrum CBD oil, on the other hand, contains a range of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids derived from hemp, but no THC,” explains Ed Donnelly, CBD expert and founder of AmourCBD.

Look for products that mention „cannabidiol”, „hemp extract”, „broad-spectrum CBD”, „full-spectrum CBD” or „hemp CBD” on the label. Also, note that hemp seed oil or cannabis Sativa seed oil isn’t the same thing as CBD oil. „CBD oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. It’s a finer and lighter oil as compared to hemp seed oil that tends to be greasier,” explains Pekar.

How to choose the right CBD skincare product?

All cannabidiol-infused products are formulated using full-spectrum CBD oil, broad-spectrum CBD oil or CBD isolate. „Full-spectrum CBD oil contains all the compounds found in hemp, including trace amounts of THC. Broad-spectrum CBD oil, on the other hand, contains a range of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids derived from hemp, but no THC,” explains Ed Donnelly, CBD expert and founder of AmourCBD.

Meanwhile, „CBD isolate is the purest version of CBD. It doesn’t contain any other compounds that you find in a hemp plant,” tells Pekar. „This form of CBD oil is best for facial skin as it’s pure, doesn’t clog pores and is packed with skin-rejuvenating antioxidants,” adds the aesthetician.

Another essential step is to determine the amount of CBD in a product. „For instance, if you are looking for lotions and oils for pain relief or anxiety, the CBD percentage needs to be higher in order to be effective,” says Pekar.

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• SOURCE: Forbes

Pas cu pas, se brodează noi povești la Iutta

Iutta se angajează să reflecte arta meșteșugurilor tradiționale și importanța dezvoltării durabile. Prin utilizarea materialelor naturale, Iutta protejează mediul înconjurător, păstrând în același timp un concept elegant și rafinat, mereu în pas cu tendințele.

O alegere naturală pentru atelierul Iutta

Iutta, cunoscută pentru design-ul contemporan de genți, pantofi și accesorii ce îmbină elemente tradiționale, lansează o colaborare cu Piñatex, un producător materiale textile vegane din frunze de ananas. Brandul românesc este printre primele din țară care folosește în atelier acest material versatil și durabil, obținut din fibra frunzelor de ananas care rămân în urma recoltării fructelor.

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